Keterangan gambar pada pembesaran 100x :

  1. Sporangium mature ()
  2. Spora ()
  3. Sporangium immature ()


  • Nama lain sporangium adalah spherule.
  • Nama lain spora adalah endospora atau sporangiospora.
  • Beda sporangium mature Rhinosporidium seeberi dengan Spherule Coccidioides immitis adalah sporangium mature Rhinosporidium seeberi lebih besar dan mempunyai Eosinophilic globular body sedangkan Spherule Coccidioides immitis lebih kecil dan tidak mempunyai Eosinophilic globular body.

Keterangan gambar pada pembesaran 100x.

  1. Sporangium mature ()
  2. Spora ()
  3. Sporangium immature ()

Keterangan gambar pada pembesaran 450x

  1. Sporangium mature ()
  2. Spora ()

Keterangan gambar pada pembesaran 450x

  1. Sporangium mature ()
  2. Spora ()

Keterangan gambar pada pembesaran 450x

  1. Sporangium mature ()
  2. Spora ()

Keterangan gambar pada pembesaran 450x.

  1. Sporangium immature ()
  2. Granular sitoplasma ()
  3. Nucleus (→)

Keterangan gambar pada pembesaran 1000x:

  1. Spora ()
  2. Sporangium mature (→) .

Caption at 100x magnification:

  1. Mature sporangium ()
  2. Spores ()
  3. Immature sporangium ()


  • Another name for the sporangium is the spherule.
  • Other names for spores are sporangiospora or endospores.
  • In Rhinosporidium seeberi and Coccidioides immitis the mature sporangium of Rhinosporidium seeberi are larger and have a globular eosinophilic body while the Coccidioides immitis spherule is smaller and has no eosinophilic globular body.

Caption at 100x magnification:

  1. Mature sporangium ()
  2. Spores ()
  3. Immature sporangium ()

Caption at 450x magnification:

  1. Mature sporangium ()
  2. Spores ()

Caption at 450x magnification:

  1. Mature sporangium ()
  2. Spores ()

Caption at 450x magnification:

  1. Mature sporangium ()
  2. Spores ()

Caption at 450x magnification:

  1. Immature sporangium ()
  2. Granular cytoplasm ()
  3. Nucleus (→)

Caption at 1000x magnification:

  1. Spores ()
  2. Mature sporangium (→)